I want my original pieces of art to be more light fast. It’s not like the art is going to fade before your eyes or anything. I have just found that after a few years in a hot art tent all summer some of the colors can dim.
Some people solve this by putting all their art behind expensive UV glass. It’s a great way to go and if you have a few special pieces you keep in bright rooms I suggest it. I am looking for a lower budget option.
First I taped off area i didn’t want to get fixative on. I used Krylon Kamar Varnish as a base level.
Second I applied Golden Gloss Archival Varnish to the top. Some of them have one and some have two coats. The two coats w fixative are definitely shinier.
Third I applied Krylon Satin UV Archival to the sets in the bottom. Some of them have one and some have two coats. Again the two coats are shinier.
There are a few spots that took damage from the pro art tape I used. I did the shirt trick and everything but some of the color came off. I made notes on the board where this applies.
The spots that have just fixative and the spots with just UV sprays are rougher in texture for some reason. I do not know why. However, most people do not touch their art so we shall see how they fair when light is applied.
Now I will set these in a window that gets direct sun and see what happens. It is, of course going to rain for the next 5 days (written on Sunday. Being posted on Wednesday)