These are a few of our protective things. These pieces were done for my in laws that wanted something fun to think about when they were following the rules.
All posts by The Artist
Wash your hands badges @0nnes & @GitatheH
After we had some guidance it turned out the number 1 thing we should all do doing is the thing we should have always been doing.
Badge video @The_Joshia & @veshkali
Towards the beginning of the plague I made these lovely badges. It was a great way to cope and I thoroughly enjoyed them.
Sakura Stroll w lights

There are 9 lights in this piece. It takes 2 button batteries to run. The battery pack has a switch on it to turn it on in the lower right corner. The copper tape is on the back of the frame on the inside w the leds on it to make the lights actually light up.
Popsicle Protest

These ferrets are ready to protest for LGBTQAI rights on the capital steps.
Done w Copic markers this piece took roughly 6 or 7 hrs to color. More to draw and layout.