This video is for a great guy Dilyn who went to my high school (much after me) and he got this pic to remember how great a time he had w friends at con.
All posts by The Artist
Happy Birthday @Xandertheblue w @Alkali_Bismuth & @Firr

Pictured here is both Xander’s first scout badge and the first time Alkali lost his hat. Cause it’s always best when one store is such a legend that it embarrasses… I mean… makes two stories.
Commission for Commander Katsune
My good friends Commander Katsune has done so many things in his life and I tried to capture as much as I could in this one piece of wall art.
Wash Your Hands

This is another Covid-19 art badge. This common house fly is doing his part to avoid spreading Covid.
Commission video for @Tsuki_Nightwolf
This Cool DJ Wolf rocks it out at so many conventions. I’m totally gonna miss seeing them until Indy.