So I talked a bit about this art I’m doing that’s gonna be kinda epic for me. Today I’m gonna show you the elephant in the art.
All posts by Webmaster
Working on characters
So I talked a bit about this art I’m doing that’s gonna be kinda epic for me. Today I’m gonna show you the elephant in the art.
Birmingham Street Art Fair
Come find me in Birmingham in front of the library. I’ll have even more new arts. Sept 14th 10-6p and Sept 15th 10-5p.
Look forward to seeing you there. Follow the link for more details.
Arts and Apples
Come find me, near the community house, sept 6-7 at arts and apples. I have at least one new picture since just last weekend. Follow the link for more details
Time to make the donuts @TheFurryTrainer
Click to watch time to make the donuts
I did this time lapse video for Furry Trainer. I hope y’all enjoy it.