Category Archives: Drawing

@furreality commission spots still open 

Do you want and cute and cuddly commission for @furreality 2015. Well it’s just 4 weekends away and you don’t want to put it off to long. 

This is just a sketch but when he’s done he’d be a $40.00 pre-order in full color with lamination, badge clip, and e-mail scan. Yes, I scan and send you a copy so if/when traggity occurs and you lose or damage your badge it isn’t lost for good. You can print a copy. 

I do this pre lamination so it doesn’t have any odd shiny spots from glare or reflection off the plastic. 

Just message me through my contact page, e-mail me at,  or direct msg me Twitter @qqh_designs 

Wrote a kids book

so, I put my back out this weekend and suddenly had a, forced to lay in bed, free day. So because I had some time I wrote a kids book. Here’s one of the sketches of little goldfish. 

Lots of work needs to be done with these illustrations. 

Sad sloth 

I drew this on the way to anthrocon 2015 as part of an emotions exersize. 

Sad sloth lost her tree. Some bastard cut the thing down. 

It’s done in copic marker and feel I really nailed sadness. Other emotions still allude me. 

Bust badges @furreality @2_gryphon #art

I’m taking commission badges for Fur Reality 2015. 


 Pre-order now and get a discounted rate. $30.00 for full color bust badges. 

Message me to commission a spot now. 

Now to talk a bit about the subject matter of this badge. @2_gryphon is one of the panels I try to make at the conventions I go to. He is hilarious and when I saw him at anthrocon 2015 he did a bit about the great giraffe who says Bree (btw giraffe have no vocal so the great giraffe has to be divine to speak). It did take me months to get around to it but I did eventually commit the great giraff to paper. 

6-2-1 rule #art

these kitties are practicing the 6-2-1 rule that any good con goer should follow. For those that don’t know that’s 6hrs sleep, 2 meals, 1 shower. Btw, these are minimums and may be exceeded. 🙂 

 Happy labor day everyone. I’ll be celebrating by going to work and well that’s so not a good way to celebrate except, you know, money. 

On the subject of money. Please visit and search quack quack honk.