Category Archives: Drawing

“Life is skittles and life is beer.”

I’m not really sure what that means but it seemed appropriate for a day like today. It was full of busy and as a result I only got my derby pic done and omg is it late. (I work at 8am) (and I’m not young).

Wish me luck and vote.

Derby time

I would love to have several pics done everyday but unfortunately I still have a day job and this pesky need to sleep. So just the derby today.

Sexy slow loris part two

So you saw the sketch and the ink. Now you get to see the full color version. It took me a bit to decide the colors. I wanted everything to match but I like to keep my backgrounds fuzzy. So, without further ado…


Sorry if that loaded sideways. It’s determined to be in the wrong direction.

Reminder, we’re open to take commissions and would love to have your business.