Category Archives: Drawing

Bunny with sloth doll

This is a practice badge I did myself. The bunny is the playful, omg there is so much fun giggle, side of me that comes to life at fur cons. The sloth is the day to day me that wants the stupid to go away and let me sleep.

I did this one with the crayola pencils. I like how vivid the colors are but they can be limiting and are so so on the blending.


Dark colored animals

I ran into some difficulty with my badges tonight. When drawing an animal with dark fur how do u make the details stand out? I think I did ok but was hoping someone out there had some advice.


Wishing I had more time.

I find myself wishing I was putting pencil to pad all the time. I draw on my breaks, during my lunch, when I get home before my honey.

I decided I’m going to start taking commissions soon but I have to spend some time setting that up.
