Category Archives: Pencil

Practicing other styles #art

I mostly do cute cuddly little creatures with little extra emotions. They express themselves in their liquor or dessert of choice mostly. So @buried_in_books found a how to draw and paint animation book and I’m playing with it. Most of you know by now that I’m working on xmas gear. So here is my brute moose  

He’s just a sketch but I hope you enjoy him. I kept breaking the lead in my pencil and I was sketching in bed so now I have pencil lead in bed. 

Update poinsettia kitty

this is my work in progress piece. It’s taking forever because poinsettia are apparently annoyingly time consuming. 
This is prismacolor pencils specifically red 925, 195, 924 and cool grey (most of them).

When I finish the flowers then I shall start with the leaves. I figure update monday should be a tradition for at least another week, maybe two.