Category Archives: art

D20 badge part 2 @OGMagicDragon

Side 2 is the Natural 20 on the D20. So this dragon has on his happy face. Cause Nat 20’s are good.

I do have a special trick you get with these. They have black light in them. To see that tune in Friday for the video.

If you’re interested in one of these they are $55. To commission just DM me on twitter or email me at

D20 badge part 1 @OGMagicDragon

This is a two sided badge. This is the natural 1 on the D20. This dragon has special flames for different emotions. I really enjoy the angry face. Usually I do sad face for this but angry face is equally good for this side.

Tune in again Wednesday when I show you the other side.

If you’re interested in one of these badges they are $55. They started at a higher price but I now have a bunch of outlines I can steal from so I was able to bring down the cost.