I’m taking a figure drawing course. This is the art I did in class today. Classes are 2 hrs long and they just seem to be over in the snap of your fingers.
I’m taking a figure drawing course. This is the art I did in class today. Classes are 2 hrs long and they just seem to be over in the snap of your fingers.
This man turned snake is a super awesome lawyer and I recommend him.
This is a 8×10” canvas and liquitex acrylics. I haven’t done much w acrylics and I’m using liquitex for the first time.
Get it… handsy… I’ll show myself out.
I’m taking a figure drawing course. And the homework was hands. So here’s my illustration of the ask for welcome
I’m taking a figure drawing course. It’s fun. I just wanted to play w an idea so I grabbed my graphite sticks and went for it. Hope you enjoy this work in progress.