This art was done for Patreon and is available for purchase. It is 8×10” matted to 11×14”.
This is a ice cream taco w 5 chihuahua eating all the tastiness.
This art was done for Patreon and is available for purchase. It is 8×10” matted to 11×14”.
This is a ice cream taco w 5 chihuahua eating all the tastiness.
I took some badge commissions for doing hand washing badges. They are on marker paper with copic markers and glitter. I cut them into fun shapes and laminated them. 🙂
I took this commission at FurReality and I knew they really wanted wall art but decided in the badge art so I gave them both. I hope they enjoyed it.
This badge is fun shaped w sparkly bubbles and lots of hand washing goodness.
This is Big Bun and Liz. They are a superhero couple that saves the day from things big and small.
This pictures was done for the “You Are Super” calendar put together by Buddy Goodboy.