My D20 badges are two sided and show both possible options for a crit. Is it a crit success or a Crit failure.
Category Archives: Chibi
Commission for @HatterBear
This D&D badge for Hatter is two sided and black light.
Commission video @YavheAnne
Click here for video YavheAnne
I love the entire Vwlocity family. They do a lot for the fandom and I feel privileged to get to work with them.
Velocity badge update :)
I try to keep scans or the art I’ve done. When Velocity asked to have an update on her icon/badge I was able to use the line work from the original drawing to redo the art. I hope y’all like the new colors she’s sporting.
Urban Camouflage
This octopus is trying it’s best to blend into the cup of the s’more frappe (which is my absolute favorite but if course is only available once a yr).