Sketchbook commission taken at MCFC for artists choice. The sketchbook is from the Van Gogh exhibit at the DIA so I decided to include a quote that I felt went w the art.
Sketchbook commission taken at MCFC for artists choice. The sketchbook is from the Van Gogh exhibit at the DIA so I decided to include a quote that I felt went w the art.
Pictured here is both Xander’s first scout badge and the first time Alkali lost his hat. Cause it’s always best when one store is such a legend that it embarrasses… I mean… makes two stories.
There have been some inquiry for more Covid-19 joke/informational art. This frog is based on a few older guys I know who will gladly click you with a cane or walking stick should you get within range.
DappestDragon handed me a piece of paper and a box of crayons and challenged me to draw her character. No pencil, no marker, & no pen just crayon.
What can you put in a Bloody Mary? Everything but the kitchen sink.
This entire piece was done in segments and then I combines them. It took two tries to get the layout correct land then three tries to get it copied correctly.