Title: Hair of the Dog
Critter: Dwarf dog faced bat
Drink: mimosas
Flowers: orchids
Have a great Fourth of July and plz celebrate responsibly.
Title: Hair of the Dog
Critter: Dwarf dog faced bat
Drink: mimosas
Flowers: orchids
Have a great Fourth of July and plz celebrate responsibly.
I decided to play w some quick sketch color pencils. The results aren’t what I’d call good but I had fun.
This is my inner 5 year old.
I decided to play w some quick sketch color pencils. The results aren’t what I’d call good but I had fun.
This is me from 1998 pride drawn as a sloth.
June’s Patreon Art is hair of the dog. These mimosas are being enjoyed by this dwarf dog faced bat.
June’s Patreon Art is hair of the dog. These mimosas are being enjoyed by this dwarf dog faced bat.