Get it… handsy… I’ll show myself out.
I’m taking a figure drawing course. And the homework was hands. So here’s my illustration of the ask for welcome
Get it… handsy… I’ll show myself out.
I’m taking a figure drawing course. And the homework was hands. So here’s my illustration of the ask for welcome
The top pic is with black light
The bottom pic is without black light.
I did the majority of the coloring with a dip pen which proved to be difficult and it really seems like I should use it for the outlines and fiddley bits like most people seem to do as it is likely to scratch even the thickest paper.
In this pic I also used black 3.0, which seems to be a bit clumpy, and liquid chrome. I love liquid chrome.
Got some felted characters done over the weekend. This post should have gone out yesterday but alas it did not.
I was thinking about my friend BiggusTiggus and I hope he’s feeling better. So I felted him a him to raise his spirits. Enjoy and I’ll get this guy to you ASAP.