Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy New Years 2016

Yay, it’s another year and we’re having a ball here at quack quack honk. We have high hopes for 2016. We’re already registered in two dealers dens and we’ve applied for a few more. Contact us through our contact page and commission a badge. 

Badge in the works for a special red panda to wear at motor city fur con

Thank you @furrealitycon

Thank you all the staffers, security, guests, hotel staff, and con goers who were at furreality this weekend. I had a great time at my very first dealers table. I had a good first go and look forward to having even more success as I do more and more conventions. Remember, if you saw something you wanted and just didn’t get for reasons, I may still have it or at least a print. Contact me and we can ship it (inside the continental US). 

Dealers den @furrealitycon

Dealers den @furrealitycon closes in 15 for the last time in 2015. You’ve all made this an awesome convention. Thank you to the staff for all their hard work. Thank you to security for the thankless job of making sure we don’t make a bad impression on the world. Mostly, thank you to all the attendees. Without you none of this would have been possible. You all Rock! 

Please, follow me on Twitter @qqh_designs 

New dessertimal to be finished and unveiled at @furreality 

so you all know my dessertimals by now but if you don’t …

I started the Drunkimals because what do furries like – drinking and cute animals. A lot of people I know look at them and go Awww so cute but I have kids so the dessertimals were born. Cute cuddly animals with sweet treats. 

So back to this one. We all know the two straws one shake means love which means I needed two cuddly animals. 

If you need two in love animals and it’s not a commission love birds are perfect.