This double sided badge was quiet fun for me to do. What is your luck like today.
Swedish Snack

This giant pile of Swedish fish was more than this pelican could resist. While red is the most common color of these gummy treats, they come in a variety of colors.
This piece is done on Bristol vellum paper stratholm 500 series. 28 copic markers were used. I use this particular paper for most of my art because it absorbs more ink than marker paper and allows me to get a depth that is otherwise difficult to achieve.
Badge for @brendafarris10
I did a redo of this badge for velocity when She upgraded her fursuit for the new velocity.
@Fiddlestickxbun badge art
I took this badge art at FurSquared 2020. Fiddlesticks does some wonderful work with yarn. I have two octopus from her.
Birding again in Margaritaville

These birds are enjoying their beach drinks. A Toucan, Black Palm Cocktail, Macaw Parrot, & Resplendent Quetzal are enjoying pina colada, watermelon margarita, and fruity vodka party punch.
The copic markers did a great job of blending on the extra large marker paper I used for this art. The design is 11×14” and is matted to 16×20”.
If you’re interested in a acid free, limited edition, signed print please email me at or visit my website at