I try to keep scans or the art I’ve done. When Velocity asked to have an update on her icon/badge I was able to use the line work from the original drawing to redo the art. I hope y’all like the new colors she’s sporting.
Urban Camouflage
This octopus is trying it’s best to blend into the cup of the s’more frappe (which is my absolute favorite but if course is only available once a yr).
Transformation sketch @legalinspire
This sketch will eventually be three options for a friend. Human him, Half transformed and full snake.
Commission – @Fiddlestickxbun
This commission for Fiddle Stickx took 29 markers to color. She is a wonderful knitter and I really love their work. I even own some. 🙂
Velocity’s big run black light
The paint run glows with excitement as Velocity crosses the finish line.