Dealers rm is about to close

Come find me at table G16 for all your adorable furry art.

Today 12-6pm

Saturday 10-6pm

Sunday 10-4pm

(Remember sponsor’s and super sponsor’s get in early)

I will be taking commissions to mail to you after the con. All commissions that fit in a 10.5×8.5 mailing envelope will be mailed for free and bigger pieces will get a discounted rate of shipping.

Dealers Room is about to open

Come find me at table G16 for all your adorable furry art.

Today 12-6pm

Saturday 10-6pm

Sunday 10-4pm

(Remember sponsor’s and super sponsor’s get in early)

I will be taking commissions to mail to you after the con. All commissions that fit in a 10.5×8.5 mailing envelope will be mailed for free and bigger pieces will get a discounted rate of shipping.