This is Big Bun and Liz. They are a superhero couple that saves the day from things big and small.
This pictures was done for the “You Are Super” calendar put together by Buddy Goodboy.
This is Big Bun and Liz. They are a superhero couple that saves the day from things big and small.
This pictures was done for the “You Are Super” calendar put together by Buddy Goodboy.
I know that it’s been rough on these two this year (with Covid-19 keeping them in separate states) so I hope this video or me coloring the art I made for them can bring smiles to their faces.
Plague Dr badges are all the rage right now.
This is copic marker on marker paper.
Click here for velocity’s color run
I am always so happy two work w velocity. She has completed the color run and wanted to update her character to reflect it.
Pictured here is Legal Inspire transforming from a lawyer into a snake.
Done with copic marker on marker paper .