Category Archives: Markers

Shading tutorial (prepared for @furrealitycon) @copicmarkers

I prepped this small tutorial to be done in under 20 min at @furreality. I promised I’d also post it so here it goes 😉

1- draw a circle 

2- pick where your light source will come from. 

3 – choose your colors. Remember, with copic markers, the numbers can help you choose. First number is saturation and second is brightness. So I chose B23 for my first color 

4- color in the entire circle. 

5- next use you middle number, which in my case is B24. Shade in most of the circle, leaving a part of the circle untouched, where the light would strike it. 

6- add in the last, and darkest color, where you’d get the least light. In my case that’s B26. 

7- finally reapply your lightess color, B23 in this pic, to smooth out any hard breaks and blend the colors. 

8- You can use the blender pen to push any bleed back into the circle and smooth out any persistent lines you don’t want. 

To see this on video visit my patreon. Video tutorials are just one of my many awesome goals. 

Two lovebirds that love dessert #dessertimals #lovebirds #shake @copicmarker 

This is my latest in the dessertimals series. I hope you enjoy these lovebirds sharing a shake (the most romantic of desserts). 

As you see the straws and the birds mimic each other and are on opposite sides to bring the colors across the piece. On top of that the straws are positioned to be reminiscent of a heart without being in your face. 

I used copic markers and liners on Bristol Vellum 500 series paper. 

Steamy love #steampunk #lovebirds #art #motorcityfurcon

I’ll be in the dealers room at motor city fur con 2016 and their theme is steampunk. I did these little birdies with that in mind. They’re two different colorations of lovebird and if you look close you’ll notice they’re blinged out in theme.

I used copic markers and liners on this piece. It’s in 500 series Bristol Vellum. 

Can’t you just feel the love? 😉

Pieces of pieces #art #death

sometimes the time consuming part of the art isn’t the subject. That’s definitely the case of the piece I’ve spent a good portion of thursday on.

As you can see the piles of skulls and bones have a depth that comes from two main color families with accompanying color palates. Each base color has two depth colors to add highlights and shadows and make each item pop. 

Copic markers are made for this and really blend well with each addition.