Category Archives: Dessertimals

Two lovebirds that love dessert #dessertimals #lovebirds #shake @copicmarker 

This is my latest in the dessertimals series. I hope you enjoy these lovebirds sharing a shake (the most romantic of desserts). 

As you see the straws and the birds mimic each other and are on opposite sides to bring the colors across the piece. On top of that the straws are positioned to be reminiscent of a heart without being in your face. 

I used copic markers and liners on Bristol Vellum 500 series paper. 

Cause holidays

So many people ask me over and over “why do you talk about the holidays months out?” It’s simple really, if I’m on time for the holiday I’m late. No ones buying halloween stuff to be delivered within a week the day before Halloween. It’s really that simple. So, on that note. Here is a super cute grey mouse inside a very surprised Jack-o-lantern called he’s more afraid of you. 

Challenge one was figuring out how to show the segments of the Jack-o-lantern without outlining the entire thing (trust me that looked crappy)

Challenge two was I apparently don’t own a lot of shades of orange. Just 5 which sounds like a lot but isn’t. So supplement warm grey in cause Orange is a warm color (usually). That and the mouse had to be a different shade of grey. He’s cool grey. 

This was done with Copic marker and liner. 

Xmas opossum ready for cards #art

I’m prepping for applying to an art fair in November and figured a small verity of xmas cards. This guy is a nice nutral happy holiday. Or festimas for the rest of us card. 

This is done with Copic markers, liners, and paints. You can’t see the glitter copic pen in this pic but it’s there in the snow. Kind of feel odd about using the glitter since I know the shiney comes from bits of glass. Don’t let your kids use this pen. Chewers beware. Luckily once my business manager scans it the pic will be safe for general use.