It’s been an honor to have had you as part of the community. You lead by example and we can only hope to live up to your legacy.
Category Archives: Drunkimals
Art for @DustyMoongazer
I really love how this one turned out.
Baby it’s Cold Outside- color
Have a happy holiday
But Baby It’s Cold Outside – Patreon Art
Art based on the song ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’. Specifically, what’s in this drink.
If you want to see more of my Patreon site please visit
Patreon helps me pay for art supplies and eat food when I don’t have the spoons to cook or grocery shop.
Thank you to MamaT and Margret for all the Patreon support.
*historical note- supposedly, what’s in this drink was said to indicate that the alcohol was strong not that it had been drugged.
Griffin on the rocks
Click the link to watch me color Griffin on the rocks or griffin in tonic (depending who you ask).
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