Piratethulu says “Chukfvshjn mstmvxehb neuhcdd hivbvjk”
Translation- “have some holiday cheer or walk the plank.”
Piratethulu says “Chukfvshjn mstmvxehb neuhcdd hivbvjk”
Translation- “have some holiday cheer or walk the plank.”
I know we’ve all thought it. Where/how do the professors get all their wonderful candy.
Professors Candy
I’m writing this post in November and the second release of a Pokémon Go is slotted for Dec. I’m super excited for more evee evolutions.
This video is of a squirrel’s delight.
Macaroon Mountain
I didn’t know this delightful cookies were made with almond flour. Did you?
I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.
Here is my Timelapse video for
Taste of Paradise
This little birdie is enjoying a cocktail. Hope you embibed responsibly and aren’t facing a tryptophan hangover.
I believe I originally called this squid badge but squid have pointed heads.