Chibi, Convention, Pencil, Uncategorized Yay @Anthrocon Yay! 2016-06-30 The Artist I’m at Anthrocon are you? Yay, Anthrocon So much fun. Make sure you visit the art show.
Chibi, Convention, Line art, Pencil, Sketch, Uncategorized Alien teddy bear @furrealitycon 2016-06-20 The Artist I’m looking forward to fur reality 2016. I’ll be in the dealers room so remember if you want to pick up a badge from me order it in advance and you can get a discount.
Convention, Dessertimals, Line art, Pencil, Uncategorized Who wants a cookie? 2016-06-08 The Artist This stack of cookies will go with a cuddly bunny. Goal – the first 8×10 dessertimal done before anthrocon 2016 to hang it in the art show.
Chibi, Color, Convention, Drunkimals, Markers, Uncategorized White Wolf Russian @greatlakesfc 2016-05-26 The Artist Come on down to my booth at Great Lakes Fur Con this weekend in Grand Rapids Michigan. I’ll be in the dealers den all weekend.
art, Chibi, Color, Convention, Dessertimals, Uncategorized Bunny Flan @greatlakesfc 2016-05-25 The Artist Hopefully I’ll be seeing everyone at Great Lakes Fur Con. I was originally doing this for Easter but was convinced it needed to go into my regular dessertimal series.