I find it very therapeutic to stab things cute (otherwise known as felting). Have some stress? Just grab some wool and stab it. Is the world sad? Stab the wool. Vaccine taking to long? Stab the wool. And feel better.
I find it very therapeutic to stab things cute (otherwise known as felting). Have some stress? Just grab some wool and stab it. Is the world sad? Stab the wool. Vaccine taking to long? Stab the wool. And feel better.
It’s still a little fuzzy cause I need to trim off the strays but I think the chicken came out pretty good. I was thinking of Kevin and Ursula and the chickens when I decided to felt this one.
Got some felted characters done over the weekend. This post should have gone out yesterday but alas it did not.
I was thinking about my friend BiggusTiggus and I hope he’s feeling better. So I felted him a him to raise his spirits. Enjoy and I’ll get this guy to you ASAP.